Visual artist Floor de Bruin is fascinated by the self-portrait. She drew and painted life-size portraits of herself, immersed herself in the rules for academically drawing up a portrait and discovered that she finds the self-portraits that do not fully comply with those rules the most interesting. Her view on non-conformal portraits is the start line of this workshop, in which the self-portrait will be the main subject. During the workshop you will work with your own mirror reflection. If you look closely at yourself, what do you see? And in what way could you translate that on paper? To investigate this, you start with a few short sketching techniques in charcoal. These sketches will show you to see yourself in different perspectives. urther on you use the insights you have gained to work on a self-portrait on a large format paper. Because of this unique way of drawing, you will go home with a very special self-portrait.

About the instructor
Floor is studying at the Amsterdam University of the Arts to become a fine art teacher. In her paintings, she plays with the point at which stillness and tension intersect. Along with the students at Schilderles Utrecht, she is on a journey of discovery exploring the various possibilities of oil paint.